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Store Manager for Magento Release notes v.3 Archive

Important! This is Archive of old versions of Store Manager for Magento.

In order to find the latest Store Manager for Magento / Adobe version history and release notes go to:

Store Manager for Magento v. - Integration with Google Drive

Released: 12/2020

Integration with Google Drive has been added. Now it’s possible to import/export products, categories, and orders from/to Google Spreadsheets.
Import/Export Categories Wizard, as well as Attributes, Custom Options, Card Price Rules, Product Reviews Wizards now support import from HTTP and FTP URLs.

- In the Import/Export Categories Wizard, the "Preview .csv file" step has been merged with the "Select fields delimiter and quote character" step.

- Corrected an issue with rebuilding Category Indexes during which category URLs were rebuilt. Now, the Rebuild Category Indexes command can be launched for 1 selected category at a time only.
- An error with not all attribute values imported has been eliminated.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Import/Export Wizards and Related Product Generator Enhanced

Released: 11/2020

- In the Categories Import Wizard, we've implemented a possibility to import values for different store views.
- In the Products Export Wizard, it is now possible to select the products to export by checking the categories, creating filters, and selecting existing filters from the list.
- In the Related Products Generator, we’ve added a “Reverse relations“ option for related and cross-sell products.
- In the Products Import Wizard, the usability of linking/unlinking CSV columns to database fields has been improved.
- An error with the early running of the reindex on the server has been fixed.
- Now automated products import is run correctly after the Store Manager update.
- Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect generation of URL paths for categories.
- In the QuickBooks Online Integration v., we’ve fixed an issue with logging into the QuickBooks Online account. (The addon’s version is compatible with Store Manager v. and higher.)
- A new Bay Integration v. has been released (This version of the addon is compatible with Store Manager v. and higher.) Here are the changes that were made: an issue with logging into the - eBay account fixed, on the "Select Category Setting" step, specific option names containing a space are now displayed correctly, an error with showing duplicate specific options in the drop-down has been eliminated, an inconvenience with the prices being updated on eBay though the price update option is inactive has been eliminated.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento 2.4 Support, Amazon & eBay Integrations for MSI

Released: 9/2020

- Magento 2.4 Open Source and Commerce Editions supported.
- Amazon & eBay Integrations are now available for the merchants using Multi Source Inventory.
- Automated Order Export tool is now available.
- QuickBooks Online Integration can now import products with negative quantities to Store Manager.
- In the updated eBay Integration v. an issue with saving store language in the listing settings has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the execution of the product data reindex during automated product import.
- In the USPS Shipping Management fixed an issue that occurred while creating Shipping Labels for Magento 2 stores.
- Eliminated an issue which caused changing a product’s status to "Out of stock" when the product’s quantity was 0.
- Now Store Manager uses the correct path to save images added to a product description.
- Corrected an issue when the “Clone” option became inactive after the product cloning was complete.
- Fixed an error occurring after changing order status from Processing to Complete.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Reviews Import/Export

Released: 7/2020

- Import/export of product reviews have been added.
- It’s now possible to name a filter while creating it and rename existing filters in the product grid.
- ICEcat Integration has been renewed to v. and optimized for updating products from the Full ICEcat account.
- In the updated eBay Integration v. issues with saving selected store language in the listing settings and filling in the data in the “Shipments” tab were eliminated.
- Managing stores with several store views, it is now possible to select what Short Description and Description should be displayed in the lower grid: from the default store view or selected store view.
- Errors occurring after opening the Related Prоduct Generator tool have been fixed.
- Eliminated issue with order status not saved if changed to a non-default.
- Now Store Manager correctly saves the configuration of the product auto-import if the product's identifier is other than SKU.
- Fixed issue with exporting attribute labels created in the back end and specified differently for different store views.
- Earlier, after changing the product's price in the order the product’s quantity was decremented even if the “Manage Stock” option was set to “Disabled”. This issue has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue with displaying correct Short Description and Description in the lower product grid if they were edited via Miltieditor for a certain store view.
- Now Store Manager correctly exports products if the export configuration has settings to export only filtered or selected products.

Store Manager for Magento v. Magento Commerce Edition Support, Discounts in POS, Attributes from All Store Views in One Grid

Released: 6/2020

- Magento Commerce Edition support added.
- In POS, it is possible to add a discount and with a comment.
- On direct connection, Store Manager reconnects automatically when an internet connection is lost.
- In the Preferences, an option to test SSH connection has been added.
- In the product grid, you can display not only columns with attributes values for the current store view but for other store views as well.
- PHP Bridge 7.75 has been released. It allows using bridge connection even if the MySQL server has Strict mode enabled.
- In the Image Preview window, it is now possible to zoom images with Ctrl +/- keys. Also, the ability to switch between images within one product has been added.
- eBay Integration v. has been added. In the new version, issues with displaying eBay ID in the "Manage your product listing" window and saving store language in the setting of the listing were fixed.
- PDF Catalog Integration v. comes with the brand new lookbook templates.
- QuickBooks Online Integration v. has been released. It now supports the updated requirements for the authorization on the QuickBooks Online server.
- Amazon Integration v. with the support of Amazon Netherlands has been released. In the new version, you can add bullet points at Amazon selecting appropriate product fields from the store.
- Fixed issue with the wrong export of product price to QuickBooks online.
- Removed incorrect message “The current Store Manager version is incompatible with Bridge Connector extension version while testing the connector module.
- Fixed an error when products associated with several categories and then dissociated from one category via Mass Changer were automatically assigned to other parent categories.
- Resolved issue with the empty URL-key in the rl_rewrite table.
- Values with identical are not skipped anymore during custom options import.
- Fixed issue with posting data to a store with the activated Flat Catalog Product.
- Fixed the work of Store Manager with Danish localization. Go to Localization in Preferences to download and install the language package.

Store Manager for Magento v. - New Bridge Connector for Magento 2.3

Released: 4/2020

- In the Categories grid, added a possibility to search categories by name.
- Store Manager correctly adds a new automated product import in the queue if the previous task is not yet completed.
- In the Enterprise Edition, a Store Diagnostics tool can now find “Category URL key duplicates”. “Duplicate URL keys” diagnostics was renamed to “Product URL key duplicates”.
- During Product Import, Store Manager now detects if an attribute has a “Unique value” property enabled and doesn’t add values for such attributes.
- "Reindex product data" became optional for faster assigning of products to websites.
- In the Product Export wizard, Product Relations checkboxes are now unchecked by default.
- In the “Add Category” window the focus is set to the category Name field.
- In the product grid, the "Product" column was renamed to "Product Name".
- Released eBay Addon v. with an issue when only the first word from item specific was posted to eBay fixed. Also the parameters of posting products to Auto & Motors, US have been corrected.
- ICEcat addon was updated to v. Now the number of products uploaded from a store to the addon (to be mapped with the data from the catalog) is limited to 30,000 one-time.
- New QuickBooks Online Integration v. comes with the corrected issue “Duplicates not allowed” occurring during order export from a store to QuickBooks Online.
- Bridge Connector 2.3.2 for Magento 2.3 was added. It allows excluding the tables that don’t influence the performance of Store Manager.

- In the Connection Wizard, fixed an issue with testing connection when the field “Store root directory” is empty.
- During the creation of an invoice, the Update qty’s button overlapped the OK button in some languages. This inconvenience has been eliminated.
- An issue when auto export didn’t work for filtered products has been corrected.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Enhanced Generation of Simple Products for Configurable Ones

Released: 3/2020

- The generation of associated products for a configurable product has been enhanced.
- Now while importing products with tier prices the existing tier prices remain unchanged. To overwrite existing values, the Tier Price check box was added under the Clear Relations section in the Products Import Wizard.
- Amazon Integration v. has been released with the new functionality: to send messages to the customers from the Order Management section within Amazon Integration has been added; preview orders from Amazon before importing them to the store; post simple products without identifier into Amazon departments - Women's Fashion, Men's Fashion, Girls' Fashion, Boys' Fashion, Clothing, Shoes, Jewelry.
- A new eBay Integration Addon v. with the possibility to export products to eBay Motors has been released.
- A quick editing option to change stock availability value right in the product grid has been added (for the stores that work without MSI.)
- In POS, a field to add comments to an order has been added.
- Now it is possible to select several categories to display products in them.
- The focus on the current category is now kept after the closing of Store Manager.

- An error occurring after the Store Manager launch (after the application was updated to the v. has been fixed.
- Earlier, the option “Delete products not in file" didn’t not work if the "Cache import data" option was enabled in the Import wizard. This issue has been eliminated.
- An issue with the rows shifting when adding associated products to a configurable product has been corrected.

Store Manager for Magento v. - New Connector v.2.3.1 for Magento 2.3

Released: 3/2020

- New version of Bridge Connector v.2.3.1 for Magento 2.3 with improved security by using the new hashing algorithm.
- Fixed an issue with importing XML files from HTTP URL

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento 2.3.4 Open Source and Commerce Editions Support

Released: 2/2020

- Barcode Generator has been added.
- Magento 2.3.4 Open Source and Commerce Editions are now supported by Store Manager.
- New Bridge Connector (for Magento 2.3) that supports stores with large databases using Cloudflare has been released.
- An option allowing to specify the size of packets (Mb) that Bridge Connector will generate to GET data from the web has been added.
- In the Product Import Wizard, an option Clear Tier Prices has been added.
- Amazon Integration v. has been released. In the new version, an error with posting changes to the French marketplace has been fixed.
- eBay Integration v. has been released. In the new version, an issue with saving and restoring configuration from file in the sections Map Product and Import Orders from eBay has been eliminated.
- A new version of QuickBooks Integration has been added. Now, while exporting orders to QuickBooks, it is possible to export a product to the Inventory Site (QuickBooks Enterprise Solution) and add Order Status, Payment Method and Shipping Method in the Memo field.
Fixes: - An issue with the incorrect Subtotal in the Invoice Report has been fixed.
- An inconvenience with Store Diagnostics tool freezing during Data Integrity diagnostics has been eliminated.
- An issue with the images upload to the server during product import has been resolved.
- An error with Store Manager freezing during the category drag and drop operation has been fixed.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Product Import on Direct Connection Optimized

Released: 1/2020

- Product import in Store Manager on direct connection has been optimized.
- A new version of PDF Catalog Creator v. has been released. Now you can use custom SQL scripts to select additional product data to be displayed in a catalog (Tier Price, for example).
- The field Last Login is now available in Store Manager, Customers section.
- Manage Filters menu has been added to configure filters in the products grid.
- A new version of Amazon Integration v. has been released with the Amazon Canada and Mexico marketplaces added.
- Store Manager compatibility with Magento Commerce Edition 2.3.3 has been added and the users can manage stores based on the mentioned version of the shopping cart.
- Now when you create associated products for configurable products and specify the order (position) of the attributes in the Super Product Attributes Configuration section this order is maintained while generating simple products and their SKUs.

- An issue with Store Manager using more FTP threads than it is specified in the Preferences has been fixed.

Store Manager for Magento v. - New Design of Products and Orders Grid Toolbar

Released: 12/2019

- A new version of eBay Integration has been released. As of now, there is a possibility to export images for variations while exporting Configurable Products.
- Now QuickBooks Integration supports the export of orders that include grouped products.
- A possibility to export orders to Quickbooks made by unregistered users has been added.
- A possibility to choose attributes with the “Price” type while exporting products to Amazon has been added.
- Sorting of data in the report “Best Sellers” (by manufacturer) has been enhanced. Now the data is sorted by total sum.
- A possibility to save the order and number of additional columns in the product grid after Store Manager restart has been added.
- A possibility to reset filter settings in the product grid by one click has been added.
- Products import has been optimized.
- From now on, the options “Reindex product data” and “Accelerate import by increasing memory usage” will be turned off with the default import settings.
- The design of the products grid toolbar has been improved. Some options have been grouped: View settings, Multi Editors, Assign Categories and Websites, Product Type and Product Attributes.
- The design of the orders grid toolbar has been improved. The buttons for order statuses change have been grouped.

- An issue with QuickBooks Integration hanging on direct type of connection has been fixed.
- Earlier when importing orders from Amazon customers” addresses were not updated. This issue has been fixed.
- An issue with mapping a large number of XML-nodes to CSV columns during products import has been fixed. Also, correct sorting of columns after mapping XML-nodes to CSV columns has been implemented.
- An issue with duplicate customer addresses after customer import has been corrected.
- An error while using products filter has been eliminated.
- An issue with the editing of multiselect attributes using Product Multi Editor has been corrected.
- Earlier it was not possible to create a shipment for orders with custom order status. This issue has been fixed.

Store Manager for Magento v. - FREE Amazon and eBay Addons

Released: 11/2019

- Amazon Integration becomes FREE in Store Manager Professional and Enterprise editions.
- eBay Integration has been updated to ver. and now the addon is available for FREE in Professional and Enterprise Editions of Store Manager.
- A new Bridge.php ver.7.73 has been released.

- An error with shifted data in the .csv file after export of attribute options has been fixed.
- Now the orders with configurable products will be exported with a correct price in QuickBooks Integration.
- In some cases, a database backup/restore option couldn’t be run from the Preferences window in Store Manager on direct connection. This issue has been fixed.
- An issue when Store Manager didn’t remove data from catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value_to_entity table after the product image deletion has been resolved.
- In some cases, after the direct connection had been set up and Store Manager Standard Edition was restarted the “Use local (embedded) database” option was spontaneously activated. This issue has been corrected.
- While uploading one image for several products in the lower grid, image name wasn't regenerated (e.g _1). This issue has been fixed.
- While using Related Product Generator, a line with "Step 3" didn’t show on the screens with a small resolution. This inconvenience has been eliminated.
- An issue when a new configuration added via Related Product Generator wasn’t saved has been corrected.
- If a product with a dropdown attribute had empty options and users were importing products with these option values, an error occurred. Now it is fixed.
- Earlier, users received an error when trying to replace values with empty ones using SQL expression during product images import. This issue has been fixed.
- Shipping tax will now be calculated correctly in POS.
- Earlier, when exporting orders with bundled products Store Manager didn’t create a new row for each item of a bundled product. This issue has been resolved.
- An issue with incorrect addons shutdown after Store Manager closing has been corrected.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento 2.3.3 Open Source Support

Released: 11/2019

- Related Product Generator tool has been renewed with improved product filtering and UI/UX.
- Starting from this version, Store Manager allows to migrate orders saving order ID and order number.
- Now, there is a possibility to select store view when importing and exporting Magento orders.
- This release includes a new version of Bridge.php file - 7.72.
- New version of eBay Integration has been implemented and from now on, users can export bundle products to the marketplace.
- PDF Catalog Creator addon v. has been optimized with the possibility to add a large number of products to the catalog.
- QuickBooks Integration has also been renovated. Now, v. gives the possibility to use order number as an identifier.
- New versions of Amazon (, Icecat (, QuickBooks Online ( and USPS Shipping Management ( Integrations have been released with minor fixes.
- Now, configurable products are being exported to eBay using the attribute label instead of attribute code.
- Compatibility with Magento v.2.3.3, 2.2.10 and Open Source (Community Edition) has been added and users can manage stores based on these versions of the shopping cart.

- An issue with exporting image URLs to eBay marketplace has been fixed.
- Previously, an inconvenience with importing visual swatch attributes occurred. Now, it is corrected.
- Earlier, Store Manager showed a false message about incompatibility with the shopping cart version. It has been fixed in the current release of the software.
- An issue with opening and editing text in HTML Editor has been amended.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Renewed Connection Wizard & Magento Gift Card Copy Possibility

Released: 9/2019

- Connection Wizard has been renewed in this release of Store Manager.< br/> - Sandbox set of categories and products has been implemented.< br/> - Current release of Store Manager has been enhanced with new image cache algorithm.< br/> - The possibility to copy Magento gift card product has been added.

- An issue that occurred after import of Cart Price Rules has been corrected.< br/> - Previously, an upload of big number of custom options could not be performed correctly. This inconvenience has been amended.< br/> - From now on, Store Manager no longer causes issues with exporting large number of customers. < br/> - An issue with editing custom options on particular store views has been fixed.< br/> - In some cases, Enterprise users who own Magento 2.3 version could not properly connect to Store Manager. It has been fixed in this release of the software.< br/> - Previously, an issue occurred when adding or editing product with decimal quantity to existing order. It has been corrected and now works properly in this version of the application.< br/> - Improper work of order status change to "On Hold" and "Canceled" has been corrected.< br/> - Earlier, [FIELD_VALUE] expression in Product Multi Editor worked wrong. It has been fixed.< br/> - Filter inaccuracy issue for "Orders Total" report has been amended.< br/> - An inconvenience with copying images with the "Regenerate Image" option enabled when working with Bridge Connector has been fixed.< br/>

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento CE 2.2.9 Support

Released: 7/2019

- Magento Community Edition, 2.1.18, 2.2.9 are now supported by Store Manager and users can manage their websites based on the mentioned versions of the shopping cart.
- Now, when editing a configurable product, the Price field is not required for Magento 2.x versions of the platform.
- The possibility to preview video added to product from YouTube has been added in current version of Store Manager.
- The new version of Chromium has been implemented in the software as well.

- The inconveniences, related to recalculation of taxes after editing product price in POS have been eliminated.
- From now on, when deleting product review, all related data is being removed as well. Correspondingly, front-end shows the correct number of reviews.
- An issue, related to Group price editing in Magento 1.x stores has been amended.
- Store Manager now properly processes bundle items’ prices if they contain 4 digits after the comma.
- An inconvenience with export of Media Gallery fields for images without labels has been corrected.
- Earlier, an inconvenience related to export of products, whose attribute sets contain attribute with code = group_price, label = Group Price for Magento 2.x websites occured. Now, it is fixed.
- Now, changes made to products for separate store views are properly applied.

Store Manager for Magento v. - QuickBooks Online Integration

Released: 7/2019

In case you use Magento Store Manager Connector, we recommend you to update it to its newest version that comes with the current release, so you could use the enhanced possibilities of the module.

- QuickBooks Online addon has been added in this release of Store Manager and now, users can integrate their Magento store with QuickBooks Online accounting.

- Magento Commerce (Enterprise Edition) 2.3.0, 2.3.1 and Magento Open Source (Community Edition) 2.3.2 support has been added. From now on, there is a possibility to manage stores based on these versions of the shopping cart.
- Henceforth, order creation time is determined not by the local computer time, but by the time zone configured in Magento store. Note: when working with PHP MySQL bridge connection, it is required to update Bridge.php file to the latest version - 7.71. If you use Magento Store Manager Connector, update the module to v.1.0.7 for Magento up to 2.3.x and to v.1.0.4 for Magento 2.3.x.
- New version of eBay Integration has been added with the following enhancements:
- Previously, orders made on eBay were imported to Store Manager with missing payment method and as a result, did not open in admin panel. Now, there’s a possibility to map the default order payment method during the import process.
- Earlier, an issue with the date filter at the step of importing orders in the addon occurred. It has been corrected.
- "Started at" date at the "Finish" step of orders import has been fixed in this release of the Integration.
- Formerly, the UPC codes of exported variations of configurable products were deleted after synchronization process. This inconvenience has been eliminated and now, Store Manager transfers UPC and EAN attributes, if their codes are "upc" and "eancode" correspondingly.

- Adding tier prices to bundle products now works properly and only percentage discount can be ascribed.
- An issue with search by Product Name and SKU via Filter Row in product grid has been corrected.
- Now, for Magento 2.3. stores with MSI functionality enabled, Store Manager allows to create shipment along with the invoice for orders made on the front-end that include configurable/bundle products.
- When copying selected categories with their products to clipboard, sources assigned to products are cloned as well.
- When deleting item from order with enabled "Return to Stock" option, salable quantity is being recalculated.
- An issue with "Clear Relations" option during product import has been fixed.
- Now, when importing orders, Store Manager correctly assigns to them already existing customers.
- Previously, products’ special price with start and finish date weren’t synchronized with Amazon. This inconvenience has been amended.
- An issue with scrolling data at "Procedure is completed" step of product import has been fixed.
- Work with filters that have long length has been corrected.
- An issue that occurred when switching between stores when user is logged in eBay and Amazon Integration has been eliminated.
- Earlier, an inconvenience with "case" expression in Product Multi Editor occurred. It has been corrected in this version of the application.
- An issue with duplicate requests in Pending (Bridge) Data to tables catalog_product_flat_ has been fixed.
- Formerly, there were INCREMENT_ID duplicates created when importing orders. Now, it is corrected.
- Now, orders are being properly exported from orders grid to Excel, HTML and XML files.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento 2.3 MSI Support

Released: 5/2019

- Magento 2.3 that includes Multi-Source Inventory is now fully supported with the following functionality:
Custom Columns option on the toolbar allows to select “Quantity Per Source”, “Salable Quantity” and “Total Sources Quantity” columns from the dropdown to be displayed in the product grid.
Lower grid has been expanded with the separate “Assign Sources” tab that gives the possibility to edit source data, assign sources and unassign them.
Bulk changes: context menu has been enriched with the “Source” tab that allows to assign and unassign sources to selected products, and use Sources Multi Editor for mass changes.
Import/Export Products Wizard includes the “Source” field that lets adding and updating information related to existing sources.
The possibility to clone, copy and paste products and Multi Editors are now at the users' disposal.
Orders support with enabled MSI functionality in Magento 2.3 has been added in current release of Store Manager.
The possibility to generate associated simple products for configurable ones for stores with enabled Multi-Source Inventory feature has been implemented
Now, users can download and install new Bridge Connector module designed for Magento 2.3 stores.
New Bridge version 7.70 has been added as well.

Compatibility with Magento Open Source (Community Edition) versions 2.3.1, 2.2.8, 2.1.17 and has been added. Now, users can also manage stores based on Magento 2.2.5 Commerce (Enterprise Edition).
New Amazon Integration ver. 1.3.2 has been implemented with the following fixes:
Previously, products that have been published on Amazon still had status “Not published yet”. This inconvenience has been corrected in this release of the addon.
An issue, related to incorrect display of task types in scheduler has been fixed. Earlier, an error message occurred when performing automated import of orders from the marketplace. Now, scheduled upload is being done errorless.
An issue related to Alternate images export to Amazon has been eliminated. Taking this into consideration, changes were made to Store Manager for Magento ver.3.24. as well.
Formerly, the addon freezes after importing big number of orders from the sales channel. This inconvenience has been amended.
eBay Integration ver. 3.3.11 has also been renewed with the next improvements and corrections:
The possibility to set a limit on the number of products that are being exported / synchronized has been added in current release of the addon.
“Enable Large Merchant Services” option allows to export big number of products to eBay marketplace (>25000).
Previously, an issue related to round function used in “Product price formula” field during product export to eBay occurred. Now, it is fixed.
Earlier, when synchronizing listings with large number of items, only 125 of them were synced. Now, this inconvenience is corrected. An issue, related to creating image URLs at the step of exporting products has been eliminated.
Informative messages and hints have been added in SSH & SMTP sections of Preferences.
Product stock status change now depends on values indicated in Manage stock field.
The message about losing connection to the database has been changed.

Beta version: Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento 2.3.0 Support

Released: 3/2019

- Custom Columns option on the toolbar allows to select Quantity Per Source, Salable Quantity and Total Sources Quantity columns from the dropdown to be displayed in the product grid.
- Lower grid has been expanded with the separate “Assign Sources” tab that gives the possibility to edit source data, assign sources and unassign them.
- Bulk changes: context menu has been enriched with the “Source” tab that allows to assign and unassign sources to selected products, and use Sources Multi Editor for mass changes.
- Import/Export Products Wizard includes the “Source” field that lets adding and updating information related to existing sources.

Store Manager for Magento v. - New Store Diagnostics, Magento OS 2.2.7 Support

Released: 1/2019

- Store Diagnostics types are now conveniently divided into groups. Also, new Data Integrity section has been added and users can take advantage of 5 more types of diagnostics for website optimization.
- Store Diagnostics section has been refined with quick select options, namely, Check All, Uncheck All and Invert marked type of diagnostics.
- Magento Open Source (Community Edition) 2.2.7 compatibility has been added and now, users can manage stores based on this version of the shopping cart.
- The possibility to generate different combinations for SKU when creating associated items for configurable product has been implemented in current release of the software.

Store Manager for Magento v. - New Amazon Integration Possibilities, Updated Bridge Version

Released: 12/2018

- The possibility to import orders from Amazon marketplace to Magento store was implemented in Amazon Integration Addon.
- The new Bridge version 7.66 has been released.
- Now it is possible to select the index type that will be used for product reindex.
- The new version enables selection of the category(ies) of products that will be filtered in the process of configuring related products creation using Related Product Generator tool. In addition, now it is possible to add products to the rule by category or using the products search after the configuration is done. Also, you can clear the list of the related products from the configuration list.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento Open Source 2.2.6 Support, Attributes Improvements

Released: 10/2018

- In some cases, order total wasn’t recalculated after deleting and adding products in the order. Now, this inconvenience is corrected.
- Product search by category attribute has been added.
- POS system now displays special prices for all websites.
- Store Manager compatibility with Magento Open Source (Community Edition) 2.2.6 has been added and users can manage stores based on mentioned version of the shopping cart.
- Now, if attribute value is not found during attributes export, then the empty value will be carried out.
- Attribute input type is now specified in Attribute form title.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Search Field For Attributes, Customer E-mail In Invoice

Released: 9/2018

- The search field in the "Display additional attributes" window has been added in product and attribute grids.
- The possibility to filter attributes that are being exported/imported has been added in current release of the application.
- Customer email is now included in Magento invoice.
- "Sort by grid position" works properly starting from this release of the software.
- Previously, when importing images with enabled "Accelerate import by increasing memory usage" option, they were not defined as base, small and thumbnail. Now, it is corrected and images are uploaded properly.

Store Manager for Magento Bug Fix v. - Application Fixes

Released: 8/2018

- An issue, related to the slow work of Store Manager has been fixed in current release of Store Manager.
- Previously, users encountered an issue with the update checkbox in the expression preview, when using long formula in Multi Editors. Now, it is corrected.
- Earlier, when generating associated products for a configurable item in Magento 1 stores, the images were linked to generated products, but were not assigned as small, base, and thumbnail. This inconvenience has been eliminated.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Application Improvements and Fixes

Released: 7/2018

- An issue, related to the slow work of Store Manager has been fixed in current release of Store Manager.
- Previously, users encountered an issue with the update checkbox in the expression preview, when using long formula in Multi Editors. Now, it is corrected.
-Earlier, when generating associated products for a configurable item in Magento 1 stores, the images were linked to generated products, but were not assigned as small, base, and thumbnail. This inconvenience has been eliminated.

Store Manager for Magento Bug Fix v. - Renewed Integrations, Application Improvements and Fixes

Released: 6/2018

- Now, there is a hint added with a warning about the compatibility issue of orders imported from different versions of Magento shopping cart.
- From now on, Amazon Integration allows to manage user’s custom attributes and their values.
- Now, users can import customers that have an option Associate to Website * to "Admin" chosen.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento CE 2.2.3 - 2.2.4; EE 2.2.1 and 2.2.4; Content Staging Support

Released: 5/2018

- Current version of Store Manager has been tested with Magento Open Source (CE) version 2.2.4 and Magento Commerce (EE) 2.2.4. It is now compatible and can be used with the above versions.
- Magento Open Source (Community Edition) version 2.2.3 support has been added and now, software is compatible with these versions of shopping cart. Magento Commerce (Enterprise) version 2.2.1 support has been added.
- New version of QuickBooks Integration ( has been added. Now, when importing subitems from QuickBooks, they are uploaded as complete product. When the product is exported to QuickBooks, where it already exists as a subitem, then it is modified into a subitem.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Renewed Amazon and eBay Integrations, Tier Price Multi Editor, Other Improvements

Released: 2/2018

New Features and Improvements:
- Tier Price Multi Editor tool has been implemented and now users can manage tier prices in more convenient way;
- Now you can update tier prices for specific quantity of products by %, decrease or increase by some value or set specific value for multiple products at once.
- The speed of "Edit Product" form has been optimized in this version of the program.

Renovated eBay Integration v.
- The possibility to add several values for one Item Specifics field during product export to eBay;
- Now, eBay Addon allows to filter category list when adding products to a particular listing;
- Previously, eBay.de users faced an issue at the step of authorization. It has been fixed in current version of the addon;
- Users who had cache containing a lot of data, were facing with issue, that the Addon stopped responding during product export to eBay. This inconvenience has been fixed.

Renewed Amazon Integration v.
- The possibility to add Tier Prices for several selected products simultaneously has been implemented in current release of the application;
- Starting from current version, Store Manager Enterprise Edition allows to copy/paste Tier prices.

Store Manager for Magento Bug Fix Release v. - Magento 2.2.2 Open Source Support, Program Enhancements

Released: 12/2017

- Magento Open Source (Community Edition) 2.2.2 support has been added and now Store Manager is compatible with this version of the shopping cart.
- Current Store Manager release includes new version of ICEcat Product Catalog Integration with a number of fixes and improvements.
- The possibility to display available Tier Price in product grid has been added (only for Enterprise Edition).

- Previously, an error occurred when importing attribute sets from Magento 1.x versions to Magento 2.x. The issue has been fixed in current version of the application...

Store Manager for Magento v. - Printing Receipts via Till Printer, Magento 2.2.1 Open Source Support

Released: 12/2017

New Features and Improvements
- Magento 2.2.1 Open Source support has been added. Now, Store Manager is compatible with this version of shopping cart.
- Receipt printing using till printer has been implemented in this version of Store Manager.
- Adding products to PDF Catalog Creator has been optimized for stores with big number of products and categories.
- Orders section has been expanded with new filters. Now, there is a possibility to search orders by shipping information and payment method parameters.

- Automatic tax calculation when importing orders from eBay has been fixed.
- Clear Relations option at one of the steps of product import has been fixed. Now it is saved in import configuration file and correctly clears selected relations.
- Import categories with the same name and different parent categories has been fixed.
- Orders with simple products assigned to parent grouped or configurable product are now exported correctly to QuickBooks.
- Import/export configuration file compatibility with older/newer versions of Store Manager has been fixed.
- Import fields with special characters issue during products import has been eliminated....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento CE 2.2.0 Support, Minor Fixes

Released: 11/2017

- Magento CE 2.2.0 support has been added. Now Store Manager is compatible with this version of Magento shopping cart.

- An error occured during import process of attribute sets in Spanish language. It has been fixed in current version of the application.
- Image labels and positions are now correctly imported for products with the same gallery information.
- In some cases, an error occurred when changing the product price for different store views using Multi Editor for Magento 1.9 store owners. The inconvenience has been eliminated.
- Export custom field values issue during product export to Quickbooks has been fixed....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento CE 2.1.8-2.1.9 Support, Magento Related Product Generator, New LookBooks

Released: 10/2017

Features and Improvements:
- Compatibility with Magento Magento CE 2.1.8 and CE 2.1.9 has been implemented.
- Related Product Generator has been implemented to Store Manager for Magento. It allows to automatically generate and associate related, up-sell and cross-sell products via the application.
- PDF Catalog Creator addon has been updated with new lookbook templates.
- Bridge.php v.7.62 has been released.

- Import/export of Magento price rules has been fixed in this version of Store Manager application.
- Previously associated products did not display for configurable products in Store Manager if multistock option was enabled in Magento.
- "Clear Image Gallery" option worked incorrectly and image records were not cleared for imported products.
- "Add associated products" button issue has been corrected.
- Incorrect work of "Missing meta titles and meta descriptions" diagnostics type has been fixed in this version of Store Manager application....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Import/Export Cart Price Rules, Import/Export Order Comment History

Released: 7/2017

Features and Improvements:
- Comment history field has been added to order import/export wizard of Store Manager application.
- Import/export of Magento cart rules has been implemented.
- Magento 2.0.15 CE support has been added. Starting from this version Store Manager is compatible with Magento 2.0.15 CE.
- "Make database snapshot (Allows to browse changes made by autoimport, but SLOWS the process)" option has been added to custom option autoimport configuration.

- If email attachment exceeds allowed size, the error message notifying about it will appear in Store Manager.
- If SMTP is not configured in Store Manager, a user will be asked to specify these settings when making an attempt to send emails.
- Previously there occurred an error when updating values for dropdown type attributes via Multi Editor. The issue has been fixed and values are updated correctly.

Known issue:
- Import/export does not work for multiple coupons generated automatically....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Product Video in Gallery, Magento 2.1.7 Support

Released: 6/2017

Features and Improvements:
- The compatibility with Magento 2.1.7 CE has been implemented.
- Magento 2 product videos can now be added to Media Gallery via Store Manager.
- Now it is possible to select only one store view in product import wizard.
- Category focus does not change after products are moved to another category via the drag-and-drop option.
- The macros, allowing to insert the list of abandoned products, have been added to email template.

- The issue related to Magento 2 configurable product generation (for connections via Store Manager Connector) has been fixed. Associated product images are uploaded correctly now.
- Incorrect product ID display in the grid has been fixed.
- Special characters did not display correctly in Email Templates since encoding charset was not specified for local database. Now UTF-8 is indicated for the database and special symbols display properly in predefined emails.
- Some errors occurred during report generating in Store Manager. The inconveniences have been fixed in this version....

Store Manager for Magento v. - SMTP, Magento 2.1.6, Custom Options Autoimport, Configurable Product Generator

Released: 4/2017

Features and Improvements:
- Store Manager is compatible with Magento CE v.2.1.6. The application can be used to handle stores, based on this version of shopping cart.
- Automated export and import of Magento custom options has been implemented. Custom options import/export configurations can be added to scheduler now.
- SMTP support has been added (send e-mails, configure e-mail templates, outgoing e-mails, set up e-mail notifications informing about scheduled tasks accomplishment, schedule abandoned cart, general/custom report emails).
- SSH authorization via private key has been added.
- "Configuration" block that allows to save and load filter configurations has been added to Shopping Cart section of Store Manager for Magento.
- Magento 2 configurable product generator has been improved.
- The options, responsible for image assign to associated simple products, have been added.
- There has been added the possibility to set price and quantity for simple products depending on configurable attributes used to generate variations....

- URL rewrite did not work for the new products created via cloning option in Store Manager.
- Previously special symbols (e.g Ä, Ü) were exported incorrectly in the process of configurable products export via Store Manager.
- Formerly if product with different prices per website was added in POS, default website value was displayed.
- Previously price type was specified incorrectly for bundle products converted from simple products in Store Manager for Magento....

Known issues:
- Product images display improperly on category listing.
- Images of associated products do not load after configurable product is generated....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento EE 2.1.2, 2.1.3, CE 2.1.5 Support, Additional Attributes in Customer Grid

Released: 3/2017

Features and Improvements:
- Magento EE 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and CE 2.1.5 support has been added.
- Product URL keys can be removed in bulk via corresponding option in Clear Product Data window available on product toolbar. "Delete 'url_key' for existing products" option has also been added on "Import Options" step of the import wizard.
- Extra customer details can be viewed in the grid in Customers section of Store Manager application. There have been added extra attributes that can be enabled in the grid, namely "Default Billing Address", "Default Shipping Address", "Billing Fax", "Billing VAT Number", "Billing Company", "Billing Firstname", "Billing Lastname"
- Extend Store Manager for Magento Update Period to Get the Latest Version ...

- Magento custom options are copied correctly now.
- Magento customers, having ' (apostrophe) symbol in their addresses, are now imported correctly via Store Manager.
- Images are now added flawlessly to Magento products through Multi Editor.
- Store Manager now works correctly with databases through Store Manager Connector, if there are special symbols (beside a….z. A….Z. 0...9, _ range) in database names....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Minor Enhancements

Released: 2/2017

- Previously 0 value was specified for custom attribute with input type "Price" after any product detail updating in Store Manager. The issue has been fixed and attribute value is saved correctly.
- Expression field editing works in Store Manager now.

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento CE 2.1.3, 2.1.4 Support, Quick Product Filter, Additional Attributes in Grid

Released: 2/2017

Features and Improvements:
- Magento CE 2.1.3, 2.1.4 support has been added. Store Manager is compatible with these versions of Magento shopping cart.
- The option for quick product filter creation has been added. You can select some products, click on this option and get filter created in one click.
- Additional attributes can now be displayed in the grid in Store Manager Standard and PRO Editions.
- The procedure of generating configurable products from custom options has been improved.
- Position of products, exported to PDF catalog via PDF Catalog Creator addon, corresponds to their position within category in Store Manager.
- New version of bridge.php file (7.60) has been released.
- Filters with large amount of products do not save on Store Manager shutdown....

- Previously there occurred the error on databases with prefixes in case some product fields were updated in bulk.
- The error, that happened in the process of Magento import with reindex and cache options enabled, has been fixed.
- Configurable product export issue has been fixed.
- Customer relations are preserved in the process of order import performed with Store Manager....

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento CE 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and EE 2.1.0, 2.1.1 Support, Minor Fixes, v. - Bug Fix

Released: 12/2016

Features and Improvements:
- Magento versions CE 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and EE 2.1.0-2.1.1 support has been implemented. Store Manager for Magento is compatible with these versions of shopping cart and can be used to handle stores, based on them.
*The compatibility with Magento CE 2.1.3 and EE 2.1.2, 2.1.3 is UNDER DEVELOPMENT.
- Short Description and Description fields have been added to product lower grid.
- "Quantity increment" field has been added to POS in Store Manager.
- Bundle items price can now be configured on website level.

- The issue, related to image removing in the process of import (for Magento versions 2.0.x and CE 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and EE 2.1.0-2.1.1), has been fixed.
- Previously Store Manager did not save bundle product correctly if it had associated attribute with Unique Value option enabled. The problem has been eliminated in this version of Store Manager.
- Order summary displayed in the last invoice only, if invoices were generated for multiple selected orders. The issue has been eliminated and order summary displays on each invoice.
- Previously URL of category was not removed if was drag-and-dropped in Store Manager. The problem has been fixed.
***Products did not display in the grid after updating to the previous Store Manager version (, in case grid sorting or filters were applied in the application before updating. The issue has been fixed in Store Manager v.

Store Manager for Magento v. - New Lookbooks in PDF Catalog Creator Addon, Automated Product Export (Beta), v. - Minor Fixes

Released: 9/2016

Features and Improvements:
- Now it is possible to preview associated simple products and modify their details (status, visibility, weigh, etc) before generation in ‘Create associated products’ window.
- Starting from this version of Store Manager (v. Automated Product Import addon is absolutely free. It is registered by default.
- Magento Automated Product Export (in Beta) feature is now available in Store Manager. You can set scheduled product export and get product data pulled to .csv automatically.
- New templates are now available in Magento PDF Catalog Creator addon.
- 'Post block size' та 'SSL version' options are now available in separate ‘Advanced Connection settings’ tab in Preferences.

Swatch image removal did not work in FTP Swatch Browser. The issue has been fixed and now swatch image delete option works correctly.
Swatch image labels are not multiplied for each product variation now. Label generation runs properly.
Magento Enterprise 1.14.X.X incompatibility warning has been withdrawn from Store Manager.
Incorrect data recording into "Price" and "Special Price" fields during configurable product creation has been fixed.

Store Manager for Magento v. - eBay Export of Configurable Variations, Image Name Normalization

Released: 8/2016

Features and Improvements:
- Name normalization for downloadable files, category images, and attribute images, containing special symbols has been added.
- There has been included the ability to use hyphen symbol in database name.
- Added the regeneration of image name in the process of product cloning.
- Export of product variations to eBay has been implemented. Now configurable products with associated simple items can be exported from Magento to the world’s biggest marketplace...

- The options "Set Categories As Active” and “Set Categories As Not Active" work correctly now.
- Fixed incorrect image path generation if image added to a product has been placed into non-default Magento image directory.
- Now updating products with Icecat specifications, only numeric value is added to weight attribute, and all extra characters are truncated.
- Corrected issue with connection via native Magento Module after the first Store Manager launch.
- Exporting products to eBay, the values for EAN and UPC are sent correctly now...

Store Manager for Magento v. - Magento 2.0.x Support, Magento Store Manager Connector (Beta) Added, Grid Order Export

Released: 7/2016

Features and Improvements:
- Magento 2.0.x Support, Magento Store Manager Connector Added
- Magento 2.0.x is supported! Now Store Manager is compatible with Magento 2.0.x and can be used to manage stores based on this shopping cart version.
- New type of connection with Magento 2.0.x database via Magento Store Manager Connector is now available.
- Order export to XML, HTML and XLS files options have been added to Store Manager for Magento.
- Decimal values can now be entered in ‘Qty increments’ field in Store Manager.
- If Magento product with custom options has been added to order, these custom options will display in invoice, generated in Store Manager.
- New version of bridge.php (7.56) is available. Magento 2.0.x data re-index is now performed via bridge.php
- SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.2 support has been added in this release of Store Manager for Magento (available in Preferences window and in Connection Wizard)...

Now Store Manager displays a notifying message if one saves import configuration without specifying its name.
Some improvements have been implemented to Magento configurable products from custom options generator.
The procedure of product adding to orders in POS is now visualized correctly on progress bar...

Known Issues:
Not compatible with Magento 2.0.8 (issues with URL rewrites were found) and Magento 2.1.
Magento Store Manager Connector has not been compatible with Magento 2 Enterprise yet.
Progress bar does not display category copy/paste performance correctly.
'Set Categories As Active' and 'Set Categories As Not Active' do not function in Store Manager if it is used on Magento versions 1.x
Products that have " symbol in the name can’t be added to order via POS.

Important! This is Archive of old versions of Store Manager for Magento.

In order to find the latest Store Manager for Magento / Adobe version history and release notes go to:

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