Date: 01.16.2024Modified: 05.22.2024
Store Manager for Magento v. – Filename with Date and Time
This version of Store Manager for Magento v. offers new feature and fixes in Store Manager and its addons. Update your instance of Store Manager to get the latest version.
- An issue related to the manager closing after updating the PDF Catalog Creator addon templates has been fixed.
- An inconvenience with filtering products in the grid by Qty column has been eliminated.
- From now on, there’s a possibility to connect to the store via the Direct type of connection with enabled “ANSI_QUOTES” SQL mode.
The version of Store Manager for Magento offers new feature and improvements.
- A PromptBook with default prompts and the possibility to add new ones and edit existing ones has been added in the ChatGPT tool. Also, now there’s a possibility to generate Product Name and Product Meta Title using ChatGPT.

- A new version of PDF Catalog Creator is now available with minor template fixes.
- ChatGPT Prompt has been enriched with new macros.
Find news on Store Manager for Magento releases at