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Quickbooks online integration for Magento is available for purchase

We are happy to announce the launch of QuickBooks Online Integration Addon for Magento Store Manager that is already available for purchase!

This tool enables managing accounting data with QuickBooks system in online mode. You can flawlessly integrate data related to Magento customers and orders with QuickBooks online and streamline Magento accounting management.

To use Quickbooks Online Integration addon, you need to update Store Manager for Magento to v.

QuickBooks Online for Magento Benefits

Get Limitless Access to QuickBooks

Access QuickBooks data in online mode from any device with Store Manager installed on it. When using QuickBooks Online Integration addon, no additional desktop installations for QuickBooks are required any more.

Export Products from Magento to QuickBooks

  • You can export to QuickBooks the following product data: product ID, product code, product name, quantity, price
  • Create new products or update existing merchandize on Quickbooks during export.

Export products from Magento to Quickbooks

Export Orders from Magento to QuickBooks

  • Filter orders by time and status
  • Export order ID, order status, order creation date, customer name and email
  • Create products and customers on QuickBooks during order export

Export Orders from Magento to Quickbooks

Import Products from QuickBooks to Magento

  • During product import from QuickBooks to Magento, you can update the following data: product name, price, quantity, product description.
  • Create new products or update existing goods on Quickbooks in the process of product import.

Import products from Quickbooks to Magento

Avoid Duplicates

QuickBooks Online Integration with Magento allows you to map Magento database fields with QuickBooks fields to prevent data duplication.

Map fields to avoid data duplication

Save Export / Import Configurations

You can save the configured export / import settings and use them when running export or import procedures next times.

Save Quickbooks Import Export Configuration

Streamline Magento accounting with QuickBooks Online Integration Addon - Try Now

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