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Add different images to different Magento 2 store views

The Magento 2 store views functionality allows you to add product details in different languages for a product with the same SKU. This works for text information like name, description, metadata. But what about images? Is it possible to add different images to different Magento 2 store Views?

Well, It was possible to do so in Magento 1. In Magento 2, though, the possibility to choose what images to show in a store view and what to exclude has been removed. Luckily, Store Manager for Magento offers this advantageous functionality. Moreover, you can exclude images both manually and massively (via import). Let's explore both methods below.

Store Manager is a downloadable application that presents Magento admin in a streamlined way and enhances the default functionality with tools for bulk edits, automated import/export, database backup, data generation, and others.

If you don’t have Store Manager yet, download a free trial and install it on your computer. Connect the application to your store database and enjoy the simplicity of your store administration.

How to Manually Exclude Magento Images for a Store View

Suppose, a store has 2 store views. Let's take a product with 6 images and exclude several images for a specific store view.

  1. Select a product and switch to the tab "Images and Video."
  2. Choose a store view. For the images to be displayed, check the options base/small/thumbnail.

  3. Magento Store Manager Store View Images Selected

  4. Exclude the images that mustn't be shown by selecting the relative checkboxes.

  5. Magento Store Manager Store View Images Excluded

As you can see, the excluded images don't show at the storefront:

Magento Store Manager Store View Images Excluded Storefront

Display or Hide Magento Images for Different Store View Massively via Import

Most likely you think that you can create the import file for every language/view and upload images for each of them separately. It is true, but eventually, all the images will be shown in all shop views and you will have to manually change their visibility for each language you have.

The reason is that absolutely all images you add to the product are placed in Media Gallery, no matter if they are added for each language separately. The only way to hide them is the ‘Exclude’ option.

So if you need to assign images to appropriate language and also indicate which should be excluded, use Store Manager for Magento to run the import.

Import File Structure

Again, let’s take the same example with English, Korean and Japanese Views. For each, you need to include in the file the columns marked with the language code, in our case - en, ko and ja.

As was already said above, all the images get to Media Gallery, so depending on the language you can exclude images for each particular view. So we are adding the images - 3 for English, 3 for Korean and 4 for Japanese Views (10 in total). All of the image names are indicated in the Media Gallery Column of your file (multiple images are separated by a delimiter, in our case a semicolon symbol).

media gallery
images in different store views

Let’s see columns responsible for image availability at a definite view.

For English images 4-10 will be excluded (have '1' value, which means true) and images 1-3 will be visible in this view ('0' value which means that images are not skipped for this language).

english exclude
images in different store views

For the Korean language Exclude column is different, indicating which images are enabled and disabled for this view -

korean exclude
images in different store views

0 value corresponds to the position of images 4, 5 and 6, so it means that only these pictures will be visible for the selected view. Other images have 1 value in front of them, so it means that they are not included in the view when switching the Korean language at the front-end.

Respectively for the Japanese language, we can set images 7, 8, 9 and 10 available (setting 0 value in front of them) and pictures from 1 to 6 exclude from the list of available images in the Japanese language (1 value for them).

exclude japanese
images in different store views

Now you can run Import Wizard of Store Manager and apply changes made in the file to your live shop.

Add Different Images to Different Magento 2 Store Views with Store Manager Download FREE trial

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