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Magento 2 advanced pricing. How to import advanced pricing to Magento 2

Configuring or updating product information in Magento 2, you come across Advanced Pricing tab that consolidates fields related to product pricing.

Magento 2 Advanced Pricing Overview

Magento 2 advanced pricing page lets configure special product price and date the price applies, tier price, grouped price, MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price).

Magento 2 special price is a reduced promotional product price available within certain period of time that allows customers to get Magento products on price lower than regular product price. To set discounted price, just provide desired value in the field and configure start/end date for it.

magento 2 advanced pricing
Magento 2 Advanced Pricing

Magento 2 tier price encourages shoppers to purchase several items of the same product in order to cut down its price. Tier price is created in several clicks:

  1. Press Add button under Tier Price field.

  2. add magento 2 tier price
    Magento 2 Advanced Pricing

  3. Select website quantity based discounts will be available within.

  4. Insert number of items a customer should purchase to get discounted price and specify tier price value afterwards.

  5. Save changes pressing Done button.

Set multiple tier prices in Magento 2 in the same way and make customers purchase merchandise in bulk.

magento 2 tier price
Magento 2 Advanced Pricing

Tier price can be set for specific customer groups and will, respectively, display only for customers from specified group. In this way you can configure grouped price in Magento 2.

Applying Magento 2 Advanced Pricing in Bulk

Magento 2 special price, quantity-based discounts as well as grouped prices are widely used by store owners promotional tricks. Magento 2 admin allows to add tier prices and group prices to multiple products via separate import. If you have Magento 2 products created, you can add/update/replace discounts created via tier/grouped prices in bulk.

In order to perform one of above mentioned procedures you have to include the following details in the import file:

  • SKU - in this column of your .csv file you need to specify SKU identifier of product, Magento 2 tier price should be added to in the process of import
  • Tier_price_website - insert website name in this column as it is shown on the screenshot below
  • Tier_price_customer_group - in order to create grouped prices via import and set reduced price for specific group of shoppers, insert group name in this column
  • Tier_price_qty - specify how many items of this product a customer should purchase for discounted price to apply
  • Tier_price - indicate tier price value that will activate when a customer purchases specified number of this product

magento 2 admin import file
Magento 2 Advanced Pricing

Further import prices in the following way:

  1. Navigate to System->Import in Magento 2 admin menu.

  2. Choose Advanced Pricing from the Entity Type dropdown in Magento 2 import profile.

  3. magento 2 advanced pricing import
    Magento 2 Advanced Pricing

  4. Configure import behaviour (add/update/remove/replace) tier or grouped price within this import procedure, set error action, field separators.

  5. Select the file data will be uploaded from and verify it pressing Check Data above on this page and fulfill import of Magento 2 advanced pricing.

Having verified the data, fulfil import and assign grouped/tier prices to Magento 2 products.

Add Magento 2 Advanced Pricing FREE via ImportImport Now

Upload Magento 2 Pricing Through Advanced Import Profile

If you haven't products created in Magento 2, you need to run product upload first and afterwards perform Magento 2 advanced pricing import to add discounted prices. To add products and their prices within one import operation without additional file configuring, you may consider Store Manager for Magento import facility.

Store Manager allows to import any product details in one go. Respectively, you can import Magento 2 advanced pricing and easily assign/update tier, grouped or specific prices. Beside product details, you should have prices outlined in import spreadsheet.

Magento Advanced Pricing File Example
Magento Advanced Pricing File Example

The file, storing product data, is appended to Magento 2 via Store Manager product import profile. The overall procedure is outlined in the following article - https://www.mag-manager.com/product-information/magento-product-management/how-to-import-products-in-magento-2/

Once you imported Magento 2 advanced pricing you can check them in Store Manager. Magento 2 tier and grouped prices display in product lower grid. Just select the product, you have just assiged prices to via import, and navigate to Tier Price tab of the lower grid.

Magento Tier Prices
Magento Tier Prices

Specific price can be accessed in product edit form. Select an item, you want to check pricing for and double click on it to enable edit mode. Then switch to Advanced Pricing tab and check Magento 2 specific prices.

Magento Special Prices
Magento Special Prices

Set promotions easily importing tier/grouped/special prices to Magento 2 via Store Manager import facility. Bypass recurring import configuring and add all product information within one import.

  • Round Product Prices in Magento
  • Magento 2: Configurable Product Price Calculation. What’s Changed?

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