Magento 2 Grouped Product is a set of a few standalone simples or virtual products that are closely related to each other. Any of the items can be bought individually outside the grouped product, that's why they are listed separately in the shopping cart.
Magento 2 Grouped Product VS Bundle Product
Magento users often feel confused when choosing between grouped and bundle product as these two product types are very similar indeed. The difference between them consists in the customers' ability to select the configuration options, which are available in Magento bundle product.
When ordering a grouped product in Magento 2, shoppers can only specify the quantity of the product they want to buy, but not customize the item by attributes like color or size etc.
It is not possible to set a custom price of the grouped product as it is calculated by Magento as the sum of prices of all items included.
How to Generate Magento 2 Grouped Product via Store Manager?
If performed with Store Manager, the procedure can be devided into two stages: creating the grouped product and adding related items to it.
Creating Grouped product
Adding Related Goods
Magento 2 grouped product type is often very attractive to shoppers. When buying a grouped product they can avoid looking for items which would complement each other in such a perfect way and get a ready gathered up complect instead. Consequently, such a deal seems to be profitable for both you and your clients.
Check what possibilities of product type change are available in Store Manager. Read More...
Find out what are Magento bundle products and how to create them step-by-step. Read More...
Learn how to create Magento 2 configurable attributes and assign simple products to them. Read More...
Types of Magento 2 product relations and their configuration via Store Manager. Read More...
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