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7 examples of most widely-used Magento promotions (price rules)

The good practice to attract more buyers and boost your sales is to offer money off. Magento allows to create very basic coupon codes and very specific codes all based on the conditions and buyers actions. These coupon codes are called “Shopping Cart Price Rules”.

Where Shopping Cart Price Rule is Created?

To create new shopping cart price rule you need to open admin panel and navigate to Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules and click button create rule.

What Kind of Coupons Can Be Created?

You can create different coupon codes

  • % off your purchase
  • $ off your purchase
  • Buy X products and get Y free
  • Free Shipping

Each of these promotions can be customized applying special conditions.

Shopping Cart Price Rule Components

When adding new rule you will have sections with required fields you have to fill in:

  • Rule Information (Rule name, its status, customer groups that can redeem the coupon, coupon type and code)

  • Conditions - the criteria which need to be met in order for someone to receive the promotion

  • Actions - here you put discount value (amount or percentage), discount additional settings and also details of how the sale will be applied, including which products in the cart the sale will apply to

  • Labels - coupon label depending on store view (if you have got wide site architecture)

  • Manage coupon codes - this section appeared if you have selected to generate coupons in first tab. So here you will be able to set code format and create sale coupon codes.


Here we have gathered the most often created and used sales campaigns made by Magento managers. Do not worry, they are simple and tech experience is not necessary 🙂

Now let's have a closer look at the list of examples and detailed explanation of conditions set.

#1. 25% OFF on Items in Specific Categories Only

You need the client to be able to apply discount code only to items assigned to certain categories. In case buyer has added to cart goods from predefined categories as well as from other categories, the code should be applied to items from categories indicated in promotion rule.

Go to Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules

Click Add New Rule and fill rule information.


On left sidebar, click Conditions tab

Click +

Choose Product attribute combination -

product attribute combination
magento cart rules

Click +

and from drop-down select Category -

include specific categories
magento cart rules

click on three dots in 'Category is ... '

and choose categories and subcategories to apply discount

or indicate category IDs

category ids
magento cart rules


Select percentage and discount value 25%.

If you need also to apply the coupon only to items from specific categories, when there are multiple items in the cart (from other categories) you need also:

On left sidebar, click Actions tab and in section - ‘Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions’

Click +

and from drop-down select Category

click on three dots in 'Category is ... '

and choose categories and subcategories to apply discount or indicate category IDs

promotions to apply to cart
magento cart rules

Apply the conditions and fill in other details/tabs for coupon generation.

Save promotion.

Eventually, when for example 2 products are added to cart and only one of them belongs to the category we indicated in the rules, the coupon code will be applied to this product only, but not to the other one -

cart rule applied
magento cart rules

#2. 15% OFF on assortment (excluding certain SKUs)

Imagine that you offer customers the discount, but want it to be applicable to all the goods in catalog except of one product. Let’s say that you need to restrict from reduction the most expensive item in your shop or the one that your partner offers and you cannot offer coupons on it.


Put coupon value -15 and type - percentage.

In section for cart conditions:

Click +

Select SKU from drop-down

Now, you will see SKU is not ... and set SKU value

You can add as many sku’s to excludes as you wish

exclude skus from promotion
magento cart rules

#3. Free shipping for certain location

You might want to make shipping free for some districts, provinces or even countries your goods will be delivered.


See if ALL of these conditions are TRUE

Click +

Select from drop-down Shipping region, state or country

free shipping for region
magento cart rules

and put the value


“Free Shipping” set to “For matching items only”.

shipping for matching items only
magento cart rules

#4. $50 coupon on items of certain size

This discount will be useful if you have got for example lots of clothing items of big sizes and you need to sell them out in this way, giving a little push to the shoppers.
Note: we are going to use ‘Size’ attribute, but first you have to make sure that it can be used for promotions creation. Go to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes, find the attribute and set “Use for promo rule conditions” to yes.
use for promo rules conditions
magento cart rules


Apply: Fixed amount Discount, Discount Amount: 50

discount fixed amount
magento cart rules

If ALL of these conditions are TRUE:

Click +

Pick ‘Size’ from the drop-down

discount on products of definite size
magento cart rules

and select value, e.g. - Large

#5. Buy 1 Get 1 Free (for items from specific category)

Put the items you want to make sale for in one category and allow clients buying one product receive second one free. This will definitely grab shoppers’ attention.


If ALL of these conditions are TRUE

Click +

Select ‘Product Subselection’ from drop-down

products subselection
magento cart rules

If total quantity is ... (put 2 instead of dots) for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions

discount for 2 products
magento cart rules

Click +

Choose ‘Category’ from drop-down and select needed category.

code for products from categories


For the apply field we’ll be using ‘Buy X get Y Free’. Now we just need to set the ‘Discount Amount’ to 1 and the ‘Discount Qty Step (Buy X)’ to 1.

Moreover, you again need to indicate for which category this works for items added to cart.

selecting categories
magento cart rules

#6. $100 OFF Coupon all On All Orders $1000+

Here the title of promotion speaks for itself - we have to add condition that will take into account order subtotal.


See if ALL of these conditions are TRUE

Click +

Select from drop-down ‘Subtotal’

promotion order subtotal
magento cart rules

Change ‘is’ to ‘equals to or greater than’

subtotal more than
magento cart rules

and instead of ... put subtotal value $1000


Apply: ‘Fixed amount discount’

Discount Amount - 100

coupon for order total more than
magento cart rules

#7. Buy 2 products from particular manufacturer and get 40% discount - For specific customer group

This more complex rule that includes a few criteria to be met. It allows you to encourage users belonging to certain customer group buy more. This way you target more narrow audience of customers and can make promotions more personalized.
First of all, you need to create customer segment and assigned to it users. Go to Customers -> Customer Groups, created group (r make sure that it is already created) and assign shoppers to it.

Now creating new rule assign it to customer group.

limit by customer group
magento cart rules


If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :

Click +

Choose “Product Subselection”

If total quantity equals or greater than 2 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions:

Click +

manufacturer is ... (Select from drop-down)

coupon for 2 products of same manufacturer
magento cart rules


Apply: Percent of product price discount

Discount Amount: 40

You can setup much more complex rules with various conditions - everything that your needs, fantacy and Magento allows 🙂 It is always important to test your rules thoroughly before going live with them.

Now when you know how, go ahead and create your own promotions with the help of Magento shopping cart price rules!

Need to add shopping cart price rules massively, get the list of existing coupons for your marketing purposes or transfer discounts created from one Magento to another? There is no need to do this one-by-one with default Magento!

Export/Import Magento Catalog Price Rules Massively Using Store Manager for Magento! Download FREE!

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Roksana Akter
Roksana Akter • 04/18/2018

Hello I am trying to create a rule but failed. offer is 10% discount in whole cart amount and maximum will get 100 taka only. Is it possible?
thank you

Magento Store ManagerMod Roksana Akter • 04/18/2018

Hello, Roksana!
Thanks for your question.
So you want to give customers 10% discount for cart amount, but that 10% should not exceed 100 taka, do we understand correct? Kindly specify, so we could give you more proper answer.

Scott Stevenson
Scott Stevenson • 02/05/2018

Hello, I am trying to create a shopping cart rule where individuals can get 3 products for free. They can be any products, I have easily made it so a coupon code will work 3 times and limiting it to 3 products per checkout, but the uses are per checkout and so they could potentially get 9 free products with this configuration. I just want customers to be able to buy their first 3 products for free in any way (1, 2 or 3 transactions). Do you know if this is possible? Thank you!

Magento Store ManagerMod Scott Stevenson • 02/13/2018

Hello, Scott!
Thank you for your question and sorry for the late reply.
As far as we have checked, Magento cannot detect for how many items the coupon was used per checkout, so the only option is to detect the separate user's orders manually and depending on the number of products he purchases - send the next coupon code.

Julia C
Julia C • 01/30/2018

Hi, I am trying to set up a Buy 1 Get 1 Free in Magento2, but I want it to be buy 1 from a specific category and get an item from a *different* category free. I also want the customer to be able to purchase more items from the *different* category without getting it for free if they choose. So, if the customer wants to buy Y-product, then they can get Xa-product free, but they can also purchase another Xa-product or an Xb-product if they want to. Please help.

Magento Store ManagerMod Julia C • 02/02/2018

Thank yoг for your question.
As far, as i know, Magento does not allow to create a rule taking a product from one category and the discount product from the other one. You can try to create a bundle product in one category and make its bundle items from a different category, but here Magento does not allow to create the same "vise versa" product (bundle including bundle). Putting products in one category would fit as a workaround here.

Anja Engel
Anja Engel • 12/07/2017

Hi, I am trying to use the catalogue price rules to show a 15% higher price for all products to a certain customer group. For this I have set 'To Percentage of the Original Price' in the actions section to 115. Unfortunately the desired result is not shown. Does anyone know if price increases are provided at all? Thanks für your help!

Magento Store ManagerMod Anja Engel • 12/15/2017

Hello, Anja!
Thank you for you comment.
As far as i know, default Magento functionality does not allow to set price mark-up by percentage to a certain group of customers.
You can setup Group price for each product depending on the specific customers group (this price will be fixed).
Else, you can increase price of products for all customer groups and create Shopping Cart Price Rule with -15% for groups that should not be affected by price growth.

Comment screens

Lloyd Sequeira
Lloyd Sequeira • 12/07/2017

Hi, This thread seems to be quite interesting. I'm trying to setup a promo and have got stuck:
The promo: Buy In-stock Items worth subtotal total is $1000-$1499 and get 10% Off, $1500-$1999 and get 15% off, above $2000 get 20% off
The shopping cart rules work fine when only in-stock items are added, however, the issue is when I add out of stock Items to the cart, the sub total include price of the out of stock Item. But I want to give discount only when the subtotal of all In-stock items added to the cart match above tier even if an out of stock item is present in the cart.
Any help is appreciated.

Magento Store ManagerMod Lloyd Sequeira • 12/15/2017

Hello, Lloyd!
Than you for your question.
It seems that Magento Shopping Cart price Rules do not have such conditions as product status to add.
As an alternative, you can try, for example, change the SKU of the needed out-of-stock products and add these SKUs to the Shopping Cart Price Rule in Action section: If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
SKU is not..., ....., ....

Emma Stewart
Emma Stewart • 11/22/2017

we want discount to be applied when user add to cart 10 M size t-shirts, 10 L size t-shirts and 5 XL size t-shirts (same product) - so total quantity is 25. & we want to give discount only for product whose quality is 25 or greater?

Magento Store ManagerMod Emma Stewart • 11/27/2017

Hello, Emma!
Thank you for your question.
You can try to setup the rule by products' SKU in Conditions tab the following way:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE:
If total quantity is 25 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions:
SKU is one of ..., ..., ...,


Barney • 10/26/2017

Is it possible to set up a promotion with one coupon code that offers 25% off certain categories and also applies free shipping, but only to orders over a certain dollar amount?

Magento Store ManagerMod Barney • 10/31/2017

Thank you for the question.
You can setup the following rule:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE:
If an item is FOUND in the cart with ALL of these conditions true:
Category is …(where you specify the category ID)
Subtotal is… (the certain dollar amount the orders should exceed)
In action section setup free shipping for matching items only.

Comment screens

Barney eMagicOne • 11/06/2017

Thanks for your reply. I set the rule up as you described, but it doesn't do exactly what I want it to. I want to offer 25% off on all items in category x. Then, only if that total is over $25, free shipping would be automatically applied. If the order is under $25, the customer still gets the discount, but they do not get free shipping.

The rule you describe seems to offer the 25% discount only if the order total is over $25. Do you know how I can adjust the rule to be a little more precise? Thanks!

Magento Store ManagerMod Barney • 11/20/2017

Hi again. Thank you for your question and sorry for the late reply. In this case, you should setup the following:
1) go to System ==> Configuration ==> Shipping Methods
2) enable the needed shipping for items with less than 25$ order amount
3) enable free shipping with Minimum Order Amount 25.
Also, your created rule should not contain any conditions setup in Conditions section.
And the certain category should be specified in Actions section (see the screenshot attached).

Comment screens

Sheila • 06/14/2017

s there a way to exclude certain categories and skus of a certain brand promotion?

Magento Store ManagerMod Sheila • 06/15/2017

To exclude certain categories from the promotion you need to set the rule:
If an item is FOUND in the cart with ALL of these conditions true:
Category is not one of (here select categories and indicate their ids)

The same is true for definite SKUs:
SKU is not one of ...

Sheila eMagicOne • 07/13/2017

But can I have the code apply to a brand but exclude certain categories of that brand and exclude certain skus of that brand? Ex. Brand Home Improvement: Exclude Clearance and exclude sku 1234 (a specific tub that is not a clearance item).

Magento Store ManagerMod Sheila • 07/17/2017

Yes, you can do it setting up the following conditions:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
If an item is FOUND in the cart with ALL of these conditions true:
Brand is ...
Category is not ..., ..., ...
SKU is not ..., ...

Sameem • 05/23/2017

I have created coupon code for specific manufactures. I have 100 manufactures but i created coupon code with discount amount 500 for 10 manufactures only. is this possible to apply the coupon code price particulur manufacture products less then the coupon code price.
For example:
product 1 ( coupon code not applicable manufacture) - 2000
product 2 ( coupon code applicable manufactures) - 200
Is this possible to apply coupon code for product 2 only which is coupon code applicable manufactures product. the grand total should be 2000.
I hope you guys understand.
Thanks in Advance!!!

Magento Store ManagerMod Sameem • 05/23/2017

Hello. Your question is a bit vague, can you please specify it more exactly? It would also help if you post a screenshot of the price rule settings you have applied so far.

Sameem eMagicOne • 05/23/2017

Sorry for the inconvenience, Please find the attached screenshot.


Magento Store ManagerMod Sameem • 05/23/2017


Try setting this condition to 'Actions' tab rather than 'Conditions' (like at the image #1 attached).

Comment screens

Sameem eMagicOne • 05/25/2017

It's working perfectly. Thank you so much...!!!

Magento Store ManagerMod Sameem • 05/25/2017

You are welcome! Glad that it worked for you.

fabstr • 05/19/2017

i have a hard one 🙂
I need to create a cart rule that applies only when there are 3 or more products of a subset of articles and when the subtotal of these products is greater than a certain value...

So far I have this:
If total quantity greater than 3 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALLE of these conditions:
SKU is one of A,B,C
Subtotal is greater than 350

But then it could be that the sum of A,B,C is less than 350, I add another product which is not part of the subselection and then the subtotal is greater than 350. In this case the cart rule shouldn't be applied but it does because all conditions are true...

So I need a way to create a condition that says "subtotal of subselection greater than 350"

I hope you guys understand 🙂


Magento Store ManagerMod fabstr • 05/19/2017

I recommend to setup the rule in this way:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
If total amount equals or greater than 350 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions:
SKU is one of ...
Row total in cart equals or greater than 3

In this case it should work as you expect. Try and let me know if it suits you.

eMagicOne eMagicOne • 05/19/2017

Here is also a screen-capture:

Comment screens

fabstr eMagicOne • 05/19/2017

thanks for the quick response!
It is working like that, I totally forgot that I can chose between "total amount" and "total quantity"

Thanks a lot!

Magento Store ManagerMod fabstr • 05/19/2017

You are welcome 😉

Chandrashekar • 05/09/2017

Hi, Is there a way to configure discounts based on the shopping cart value. Example: Discount should be 10% if shopping cart value is 10000 or less. Discount should be 8% if shopping cart value is between 10000 & 20000. etc

Magento Store ManagerMod Chandrashekar • 05/10/2017


Thank you for your question.

You can create separate rules per discount value you have. For example, create 10% price rule if the order total equals to or less than 10000.

Another rule, will be for example, 15% off of order total is greater than 10000 and less than 20000, etc.

Hope this helps.

Chandrashekar eMagicOne • 05/11/2017

Thanks for the reply. Can this be configured for a single coupon code?

Magento Store ManagerMod Chandrashekar • 05/12/2017

I'm afraid that there is no way to achieve this with single code by default in Magento, as there is only 1 field to indicate discount amount.

Gio • 04/28/2017

I'm trying to give 50% of 4 sku's in a particular category I've try different ways and it won't allow me to just give the discount to those skus.

Magento Store ManagerMod Gio • 05/01/2017


Do you mean that you want to provide 50% off to each product belonging to specific category? The client has to add to cart any of these goods mentioned in the rule or all of them? Please, specify your conditions that you used and result you want to achieve.

Nica • 01/18/2017

Thanks for posting the details. The screenshots help! I have a situation similar to "#6. $100 OFF Coupon all On All Orders $1000+" however, we're looking to exclude items from our Sales and Clearance categories. When I set a condition rule (under actions) on my percentage off coupons, I'm able to say "Category is not ID,ID,ID". However, this same condition rule in the fixed amount off coupon does not work. Hopefully this makes sense. I would like to exclude certain categories when it comes to fixed amount off coupons. Am I overlooking something? Thanks! Nica

Magento Store ManagerMod Nica • 05/01/2017

Hello Nica.

What is your Magento version? Have you cleared cache and performed re-index after you added the rule? If possible, please. attach the screenshot with the rule conditions (settings) to get the better understanding of the problem.

David Reichig
David Reichig • 01/09/2017

This is great... Thank you for explaining this so well. I do have one questions, Lets say I have 600 items in store ... they all have the same category but I want to select 100 items where any customer can select 10 items from these 100 items for one set price... can I do this with the product attribute combination???? Or do I create a new category and add the new category to each of the 100 items so they can be purchased seperatly or in a one time price offer but they only get to choose 10 items out of the specific 100 items. Does this make sense???? David

Magento Store ManagerMod David Reichig • 01/10/2017


Thank you for your comment. Actually cart rules allow to make reduction on cart total and I'm afraid there is no default possibility to set fixed price for 10 selected items in cart (as usually the product price is different). The condition you have is very complex and it is hardly possible that there is the way to do it out-of-the-box.

Vicky Rathore
Vicky Rathore • 10/07/2016

You have described every example of Magetno promotion very well & your post is very valuable for all Magetno developers & companies.

Magento Store ManagerMod Vicky Rathore • 10/07/2016

Thanks Vicky!

Vicky Rathore
Vicky Rathore eMagicOne • 10/07/2016

Thanks to approved my comment but why did you remove my link.

Magento Store ManagerMod Vicky Rathore • 10/07/2016

Because we do not allow advertising at our website. If you have some valuable info to be added here, please, post the suggestion instead of the link.

Mark Henry
Mark Henry • 10/05/2016

Great post. You have explained the steps very preciously. Keep going.

Magento Store ManagerMod Mark Henry • 10/05/2016

Hello Mark.

Thank you for your comment. We are glad that you found it useful.

Sam • 06/28/2018

I want to give 10% discount to all the items in the cart except excluding Whites. I have clothing website.
Attribute Color is turned on to be used for Rules.
under Actions - > apply to matching items only-> I tired with attr. "Color is not White" but it doesn't work. it apply discount to all products.
But if I say "Color is White" then it works and applies discount to only Whites.
Any help would be appreciated

Magento Store ManagerMod Sam • 06/28/2018

Hello, Sam,
Thank you for your comment.
Try to list the rest of the attributes, except the white one, in Actions tab the following way:
If ANY of these conditions are TRUE :
color is black
color is green
color is brown

Magento Shopping Cart Price Rule For Attribute
Comment screens

Hope that'll help.

Sam eMagicOne • 06/29/2018

Thanks for your answer.
I got about 40 different colors 🙁

Magento Store ManagerMod Sam • 06/29/2018

As far as we know, the only way, for now, is to add these parameters manually.
Although, we will consider the possibility to manage shopping cart price rules and make mass changes in our Store Manager software in future.

Genesis Gonzalez
Genesis Gonzalez • 07/05/2018

Thank you!!! It worked perfectly!!

Ben • 07/16/2018

I have tinkered with "shopping Cart Price rules," all week end, and cant seem to get anything working..., I have just come across your article, and happy to see help is at hand... so I have created a new rule based on one of your templates above...
The Objective is...'
Buy a Minimum 4 Units a range of Outdoor cushions, to receive a 20% discount.
I have just setup this new rule, but doesn't seem to work.... I'm sure its something I'm doing incorrectly...
Screen shots attached (Rule Information/Conditions/Actions)
Your help would be much appreciated

Customer's Rule Information In Shopping Cart Price Rule
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Conditions Tab In Customer's Shopping Cart Price Rule
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Actions Tab in Customer's Settings
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Magento Store ManagerMod Ben • 07/16/2018

Hello, Ben,
Thank you for your question.
Try to setup the rule the following way:
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
Total Items Quantity equals or greater than 4
If total quantity equals or greater than 4 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions:
Category is 25
Category is not one of 2, 26, 30, 31, 44, 45, 46, 29,... (choose all the rest categories the products are not assigned to)

Shopping Cart Price Rule Conditions For Customer
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Discount Amount * 20
Discount Qty Step (Buy X) 1

Actions Tab In Cart Price Rule For Customer
Comment screens

Ben eMagicOne • 07/17/2018

Thanks for the fast service and Update, unfortunately I still can't the "Shopping cart price rules" to work.
Have attempted various configuration, but still nothing happens...
Is there any other settings elsewhere that require change, for this to work
Screen shots attached
Look forward to hearing from you

Ben Magento Conditions Shopping Cart Price Rule
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Ben Magento Actions Shopping Cart Price Rule
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Ben Magento Rule Information
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Magento Store ManagerMod Ben • 07/18/2018

Thanks for the response.
Did you clear cache and perform reindex? Also, most likely, products have to be assigned only to two categories (22 and 42 in your case). Let us know the result after that.

Ben eMagicOne • 07/18/2018

Still no changing in the results, (setup Images attached)
Have left this overnight, unfortunately no change, cleared Cache, reindexed, logged out and back in...still no change,
Only the 2 mentioned categories have been set.
Your thoughts
(P.S Much appreciate your help here :-))
Best Regards

Ben Magento Shopping Cart Actions
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Ben Magento Shopping Cart Checkout
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Ben Magento Shopping Cart Conditions
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Ben Magento Shopping Cart Rule Information
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Magento Store ManagerMod Ben • 07/18/2018

Hello Ben,
Thank you for your answer.
Please, try to change Priority to 1 in Rule Information settings. And still make sure, the products are assigned only to 22 and 42 categories. Please, see the attached screenshot.
Let us know, how it goes.

Magento Shopping Cart Rules Priority
Comment screens

Ben eMagicOne • 07/18/2018

Unfortunately no changes whatsoever, I can only assume something is not right elsewhere,
Regards Ben

Magento Store ManagerMod • 07/18/2018

Hello Ben,
Thank you for the response.
We tried to set the same configurations on our test store and the discount appeared to work. Although, it works like this: a customer adds to cart 4 or more products only from one category and not any other products in addition and gets the discount. But if the customer adds to cart 4 or more products of that category and any quantity of products from any extra category, the discount works for all the products (including the ones from extra category). As far as we have investigated the case, likely it is possible to set such cart rule, only if the customer buys products exclusively from the category indicated in the cart rule.
In order to set such a shopping cart rule, you can try to find corresponding extensions or try to customize the cart rule settings.

TrexTurtle • 10/08/2018

how to apply discount of 20% if customer orders 20 items from specific category but not on total number of products in cart ?
Store has 2 categories (let call them cat ) that contain products (A,B,C,D,E):
cat1 has A B C
cat2 has D E

- If customer orders 20 items from cat1 in any variation ( eg. 5 of A ,10 of B and 5 C) he gets a 20 % discount on that items
- if customer orders 19 items from cat1 and any other item he doesn't receive discount
- if customer orders 20 items from cat 1 in any variation and any other item,
he receives 20 % off on that 20 items but not on other items ( eg. 20 of A and 1 of D ) or not on whole cart price

Magento Store ManagerMod TrexTurtle • 10/08/2018

Thank you for your comment!
Try to specify the following settings:

Conditions tab:

If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
If total quantity is 20 for a subselection of items in cart matching ALL of these conditions:
Category is 26, 30, 31, 44, 45, 46 (specify the categories you want the discount to be applied to)
Category is not 2, 29, 40, 35, 36, 25, 27, 32,... (list of categories, the promo shoud not be spread on)

Magento Discount Actions Tab For 20 Items
Comment screens

Actions tab:

Discount Amount - 20
Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To - 20
Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items)If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
Category is 26, 30, 31, 44, 45, 46
Category is not 2, 29, 40, 35, 36, 25, 27, 32,...

Magento Shopping Cart Price Rule For 20 Items
Comment screens

Kurt • 09/11/2018

i would like to give a 10$ discount when they by 2 specific products. so if they by product x and y they get 10$ off.
also if they by this combination multiple times they need to get the discount.
is this possible?

Magento Store ManagerMod Kurt • 09/11/2018

Hello, Kurt!
Thank you for your question.
Specify the SKU's for products you want ot apply the discount to in the Actions tab:
Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items)If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
SKU is one of ..., ...

Actions Tab For Certain Products
Comment screens

Conditions tab does not require any settings.

Arbnor • 09/12/2018

How can I create a cart price rule with this condition: If the customer buy three different products form same category, the discount amount should be the lowest value from these three products.
For example:
1 - T-shirt = 20$
1 - Hat = 10$
1 - Glasses = 30%
Subtotal = 60$
Discount = 10%(the lowest value)
Total Amount = 50%

Magento Store ManagerMod Arbnor • 09/12/2018

Hello, Arbnor!
Thank you for your question.
I'm afraid, this kind of price rule cannot be created by standard Magento functionality. As a solution,most likely, there should be the custom logic on the checkout created.

Alex Morco
Alex Morco • 09/28/2018

Thanks for sharing this video tutorial, I was working to set catalog price rules in my Magento store, Your vide and this post helped me a lot

Raghu • 15/11/2018

Hi i want to create a coupon which provides 20 fixed amount discount for the products for a particular category and if the sub total is greater than 50.
The condition should be the products in cart must be only of the specific category.
Even if the sub total is greater than 50 and any other category product is present in cart then the coupon should not work. How is it possible?
I could create a coupon which works if the sub total of all the products of that particular category is more than 50, but the coupon applies even if other category products are there in cart.
Attached both conditions and actions when both are used at same time then the coupon code not working, if any of the condition or action is active then it is was working but not as desired.

conditions tab for magento 20 fixed amount discount
Comment screens

magento actions for 20 fixed amount
Comment screens

Magento Store ManagerMod Raghu • 16/11/2018

Hello, Raghu!
Thank you for your question.
Try to setup Conditions the following way:
If ALL of these conditions are FALSE :
If an item is FOUND in the cart with ALL of these conditions true:
Category is 2, 22, 47, 11
Subtotal equals or less than 50

"Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items)" in Actions tab should not have any settings.

magento conditions for 20 fixed amount
Comment screens

Raghu • 16/11/2018

I tried with the condition what you mentioned screenshots attached. But now the coupon code is not working at all. But when i change the conditional statement "If ALL of these conditions are FALSE :" from False to True it is working but will work even if products of other category is also present in cart.
Again my situation is a coupon code which works for only products of particular category(in my case category id 229) and when total of cart is greater than 50.

actions new
Comment screens

condition new
Comment screens

Magento Store ManagerMod Raghu • 16/11/2018

Hello, Raghu!
Thank you for your reply.
Sorry, we have not specified more precisely regarding categories. You have to indicate not the category you want the coupon be valid for, but the rest of them (in your case all of them except 229).

Raghu • 16/11/2018

I tried with that condition also but now the coupon code is not working at all for any of the products in cart.
I gave the following conditions in conditions tab:

If ALL of these conditions are FALSE :
If an item is FOUND in the cart with ALL of these conditions true:
Category is All except 229

Subtotal equals or less than 50

Screenshot attached.
No conditions added in Actions tab.

false conditions
Comment screens

Magento Store ManagerMod Raghu • 19/11/2018

Thank you for your response.
Have you tried to clear cache and reindex after the rule was created?

Kaylee • 01/04/2019

I'm trying to setup Buy 2 Get 1 Free but it can be of any product from a specific category. For example, I have Category Red and Products 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And I have Category Blue and Products 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
I add Red 1, 2, 3 and Blue 6, 7 to my cart. Only Red 3 should be free.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!

Magento Store ManagerMod Kaylee • 15/04/2019

Hello, Kaylee,
Sorry for the late reply, we've been fighting with Magento to find a solution or workaround.
So, default Magento functionality does not allow to setup the exact rule you need.
As an alternative, you can create a promo for one certain product from a specific category - buy 2 get 1 free for the same category
Or you can try to create the rule you need programatically or with the trird-party extension - buy 2 items from the same category get 1 free

Kaylee eMagicOne • 15/04/2019

Thanks for the help.

Raey • 08/09/2019

I want to set up different kind of price rules(shopping cart price rules). I tried default magento's extension, but I couldn't.
Buy 2 different products and get those for flat rate.
Say, Product X is 300 and Product Y is 300. When customer buys those 2 products (Total 600), he can get both products for 500.

Magento Store ManagerMod Raey • 08/09/2019

Hello, Raey!
Thank you for your comment.
Could you provide more details on the flat rate and the product price? Should the flat rate be included in the price or just reduct the total in cart? What result do you want to receive? What settings have you setup and didn't succeed?

Christi • 15/11/2019

Question, I am setting up a shopping cart price rule and need to know if there is a way to sequence the sku's I've included in my rule to show int he cart on the frontend. So for example, I have a gift with purchase but they can choose a range of 5 colors of mugs and I'd like the red mug to show first in the sequence. Is there a way to do that. I have then listed in my rule by sku's and that's not working. I checked ID's to see if that's how they are sequenced but that doesn't seem to be it either. Any ideas how the items are sequenced? And how to control this?

Magento Store ManagerMod Christi • 20/11/2019

Hello, Christi!
Thank you for your comment and apologize for the delay with the answer.
I think there is a possibility to create specific attribute that will display the order of SKU on the front end. If you would like to make such customization, our Outsource Department will check your request if you submit a ticket via email outsource@emagicone.com.

Yogesh • 12/12/2020

For category, any products, After complete 10 orders and get the 11th free order(up to 2000rs). Can you help for it?

Magento Store ManagerMod Yogesh • 12/14/2020

Hello, Yogesh!
Thank you for your question. As far as we know, the default Magento 2 functionality doesn't allow you to add price rules based on a number of orders.
You can try to look for a module prividing such possibility at the Magento Marketplace.

Hana Elaradi
Hana Elaradi • 08/29/2022

How to exclude a product from the minimum amount in the cart?

Magento Store ManagerMod Hana Elaradi • 08/31/2022

Hello, Hana!
You can try excluding a product's SKU from the price rule as described in example #2 in the article.

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