Magento stock management
Magento inventory update requires effective system of stock control to make sure that products' quantity is always on the level and products are available in plenty for people who are eager to buy.
In case you have great amounts of products to keep track of the inventory you can consider using some tools that shift focus from not so convenient-to-use back-office functions to more flexible and approachable desktop possibilities for web shop management. One of such tools is Store Manager for Magento. With this application your inventory update becomes working mechanism of tracking and well-time fulfilling the adequate catalog stock.
How helpful is Store Manager for Magento for your inventory updates? Here are only a few major advantages you get using it:
1. Flexibility
Switching from product to product you can right away see product related information on stock and products quantity, which is placed in the tab “Inventory” of the lower grid. Accordingly, if you need to change stock level for some product, it is possible to do it without opening additional windows.
To manage the full list of inventory settings available, first of all you need to have set option “Manage stock” to Yes. Then you will see the whole range of options available:
- Quantity - reflects current availability of this item
- Qty for Item’s Status to become Out of Stock - if items quantity goes below this value, the product will automatically become ‘Out of Stock’ and will be no longer available for purchase. In this way you will be able to fulfill the backlog of your products before it will be sold-out completely.
- Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart - sets minimum quantity of Magento products that customer must add to cart in order to buy the product.
- Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart - limits the buyer in number of products he can purchase
- Qty Uses Decimals - this option allows ordering with decimals like 1.56 of an item. You can allow to restrict this option by setting Yes or No.
- Backorders - if this option is enabled, customers will be able to buy items even if stock for the product was being ran out of.
- Notify for Quantity Below - when the quantity goes below this value, you will receive the notification.
- Stock Availability - defines if product is available at your warehouse or not. You can set product to out of stock even in case quantity of entities in your database is not 0. In case the quantity is 0, the product will be changed to ‘Out of Stock’ automatically.
2. Bulk Magento inventory update
With Store Manager application you can update stock and other inventory options for multiple products in a few clicks. Basically, all you need to do is just to select the products for which you need to update inventory, call for Multi Editor from a toolbar or use context menu and do changes.
3. Update Magento stock of certain products only
In case you need to perform change stock levels of certain products only, in Store Manager there is plenty of filters using which you can sort out the products on some criteria.
4. Perform automatic refresh o finventory directly from your supplier.
Use Store Manager for Magento along with its addon - Automated product import and update your products inventory directly from supplier.
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